Nutritional Support


Nutritional Support

Nurturing Optimal Health Through Nutrition

Nutritional Support is integral in addressing and improving various health conditions and objectives, including:

  • Weight management and loss
  • Boosting immune system function
  • Enhancing energy levels and vitality
  • Managing symptoms of chronic illnesses
  • Improving gastrointestinal health
  • Supporting recovery and healing processes
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    Empowering Wellness with Nutritional Support

    Nutritional Support at DrStileRx is about much more than managing diet; it’s about empowering your journey to optimal health through personalized nutrition.

    We understand that each individual’s body and lifestyle are unique. Patients interact with a certified nutritional consultant who will design and monitor a nutritional program specifically for them. Our programs align perfectly with your health goals and dietary preferences.

    This holistic approach ensures that every meal is a step towards enhanced vitality, improved well-being, and a balanced life. At DrStileRx, Nutritional Support is not just about feeding the body; it’s about nourishing the soul, providing the right nutrients at the right time to unlock your body’s full potential.

    Why Us

    Patients choose DrStileRx for an unparalleled commitment to personalized healthcare, where our advanced, tailor-made treatment plans are designed with your unique health profile in mind, ensuring a more effective and harmonious path to wellness.

    Patients stand apart with DrStileRx’s blend of cutting-edge medical treatments and holistic care, all delivered by a team of dedicated professionals who prioritize your health and well-being above all else.


    Is it right
    for you?

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    Am I a Good Candidate for Nutritional Support?

    Personalizing Your Path to Nutritional Wellness

    If you’re seeking to enhance your health, manage specific health conditions, or simply wish to optimize your diet for better overall well-being, Nutritional Support at DrStileRx is your ideal partner. Our comprehensive approach begins with an evaluation to understand your unique nutritional needs, lifestyle, and health goals, ensuring a perfectly tailored plan that is as effective as it is enjoyable.

    How Long Does the Treatment Take?

    Navigating Your Nutritional Journey

    The journey with Nutritional Support at DrStileRx is ongoing and evolves as your health needs and goals change. While you may start noticing improvements in your energy levels, mood, and overall health quite quickly, the true beauty of nutritional support lies in its long-term benefits and how it shapes your relationship with food, health, and well-being.

    What Results Will I See?

    Experiencing the Transformation of Tailored Nutrition

    Patients engaging in Nutritional Support at DrStileRx often report a myriad of positive changes, including sustainable weight loss, increased energy, improved digestion, and a stronger immune system. As your dietary plan is meticulously aligned with your body’s needs, expect to witness a profound transformation in your health and vitality, marking a new chapter of wellness and balance in your life.

    Our Team



    Krysten Fletcher Dietician

    Meet Krysten:

    Krysten is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Licensed Dietitian in the state of Nevada who received her Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Additionally, she is an ACE certified personal trainer.

    Krysten began struggling with disordered eating behaviors as a teenager and tried every diet imaginable, without success. She discovered that focusing on the mind-body connection through a mindful eating approach healed her relationship with her body and food, putting an end to the yo-yo dieting for good.

    Krysten has over ten years of experience working with clients of all ages, throughout the Las Vegas area, in a variety of settings. She is passionate about helping her clients meet their goals through sustainable lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise.

    In her free time, Krysten enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, traveling, lifting weights at the gym, running, reading, and cooking.

    Custom Meal Prep – Your Personal Chef!

    “Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food.”

    – Hippocrates 400 BC

    The Good Life Logo

    Many of our Clients struggle as they transition into a lifestyle that includes healthy eating. Our goal at DrStileRx is to help guide our patients meet their goals by developing healthy habits.  DrStileRx has partnered with THE GOOD LIFE chefs, with support of our nutritional consultants, to help our patients understand portion control and Macronutrient (macros) science.

    Protients, Carbohydrates and Fats (macros) are the building blocks and fuel we need to achieve and sustain optimal health and peak performance. Whether you’re on your weight loss journey, trying to build muscle and strength or both, the quantity and balance of these macro’s is of critical importance.

    The Good Life is a Las Vegas meal prep company creating healthy, chef prepared meals delivered right to your door.  “We provide our customers with nutritious, affordable meals made from quality ingredients to help you save time and eat better!”

    The GOOD LIFE team sources the highest quality seasonal ingredients and combines them with professional cooking techniques to bring you restaurant-quality food that is delicious and memorable. Healthy food doesn’t have to be bland and boring!

    The GOOD LIFE chefs have worked under world famous restaurant owners and chefs like Gordon Ramsay, Wolfgang Puck, and Emeril Lagasse. They take great pride in preparing your food, all while having your safety in mind, and operate their kitchens like five star restaurants. Let them create and prepare the meals that best suit you and your nutrition goals, because you deserve the Good Life!


    DrStileRx patients will receive special discount codes for savings on all meal purchases!

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